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Shipley Baptist Church New Kirkgate, Shipley, United KingdomMaking a decorated cross to place in our church garden
SBC and SCT Good Friday services and events
Shipley Baptist Church New Kirkgate, Shipley, United KingdomSBC and SCT Good Friday services and events. 10.45 in our worship room. Quiet reflection on the Easter story 11.30 am gather at St Paul's for worship and our walk of witness to the Town Hall, then the Market Square followed by a soup lunch at SBC organised by SCT Cuppacare.
Sunday Morning Worship- Easter Day
Shipley Baptist Church New Kirkgate, Shipley, United KingdomCoffee Morning- for Christian Aid
Northcliffe ChurchSunday morning Worship
Live streamed worship from the Baptist Assembly in Bournemouth
Christian Aid Service
Shipley Baptist Church New Kirkgate, Shipley, United KingdomFor all the churches part of Shipley Churches Together for Christian Aid