Response to the Baptist Project Violet recommendations

September 2024
Shipley Baptist Church has considered the Project Violet initiative and reviewed the recommendations in a Deacons meeting and at a Church meeting.
As an Inclusive Church we strongly affirm the ministry of women amongst us and we believe the Yorkshire Baptist Association and the Baptist Union of Great Britain, through Council and Trustees, must actively consider all the relevant recommendations and ensure that these are reviewed, and the majority adopted, with the minimum of delay.

We believe those churches within the YBA and BUGB who do not presently support the ministry of women amongst us, must seriously consider their current stance and their place within a denomination where the ministry of women has been actively affirmed amongst us since 1918.

Specific points relating to certain recommendations
– Local churches to be more open in encouraging women to train for ministry.
Our Response: We have encouraged two in recent times- Ann Hayward and Kez Robinson. We are very opening to encouraging women with a sense of vocation to train and be involved in ministry
– Are you providing role models in the leadership of women?
Our Response: We are doing this through our women in leadership in the Diaconate, speaking leading etc, but perhaps not as much as we ought to in leading worship – the majority of the key people are presently male. However, our intention is to reach parity.
– Have you thought through an adequate theology of disability.
Our Response: We are not as challenged with this as we were when Andrew was alive, though we do have people with disabilities. This is a specialist area of theology and practice for Sally Nelson (disability) and Gaynor Hammond (dementia). We have asked both to help us develop our ministries in these areas. – You should be developing “slow wisdom” in the Church Meeting.
Our Response: We understand this to mean moving back to the older anabaptist traditions of discerning the mind of Christ by more measured reflection, with greater focus on worship and prayer, rather than business meeting style. The church meeting will spend time reflecting on this request.
– Are you making our church position on women in ministry known
Our Response: SBC do this through our Inclusive Church statement and, inviting women to speak and having as an aim 50% female speakers.
– Are you offering training in Equality, diversity and Inclusion in your church ?
Our Response: Equality, Diversity and Inclusion training is offered in the YBA to ordained ministers. We are now engaging in this as a Church community. We have people within our membership who could help us to do this.
– Are you listening to new voices.
Our Response: We need to ask some of our newer members and members of the congregation to help us do this do this more effectively.
– Do you have a range of resources we use which reflect diversity.
Our Response: We are reviewing the resources we use in worship, Junior Church, youth work and elsewhere to ensure our resources are diverse and address our stand
as an Inclusive Church.

Response of the Church meeting to Project Violet 05 September 2024.