14th July 2017

Mission partners

We support a variety of local, national and international mission activities and tend to focus our prayers on one (or a small group) of these each month as our monthly mission focus.

Inn Churches

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Inn Churches provides shelter and practical support to people who are homeless or vulnerably housed. They are a thriving community project, with more than 850 volunteers from 70 churches and the wider community in Bradford. Here at SBC, we act as hosts for one winter week each year, providing overnight accommodation, food and a warm welcome for around 12 guests each night. But Inn Churches work throughout the year to provide permanent and lasting change in the lives of guests we have hosted, giving practical support to keep some of the most vulnerable people across Bradford warm and healthy. Through the Storehouse project, they also work to tackle food poverty through intercepting, storing and distributing surplus food, turning food waste into healthy and delicious meals in their pay-as- you-feel café and for community groups across the Bradford area.

Visit the Inn Churches website for more information.

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Zephaniah Trust

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The Zephaniah Trust is a registered charity supporting Christian musicians and artists who “take light into dark corners” throughout Bradford and beyond, in schools, and with churches and community groups.

Visit the Zephaniah Trust website for more information.

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Christian Aid

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Christian Aid is an agency of the British and Irish Churches formed in 1945 to be our common way of working to assist those caught in disasters, to support international development in education, health, developing economic possibilities and seeking justice for those in the poorest communities in the world. We work together in the name of Christ to affirm there is life before death. In May each year we participate fully in Christian Aid Week.

Visit the Christian Aid website for more information.

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Fair Trade Foundation & Traidcraft

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Every Sunday morning, as we enjoy our cup of coffee or tea after the service, we have the opportunity to buy fairtrade goods from an extensive stall run by Liz. They include food products, gifts, cards and the ever-popular chocolate bars! Many of them are Traidcraft items. We believe that with Fairtrade we have the power to change the world every day! Fairtrade is a simple way to make a difference to the lives of the people who grow the things we love. By making simple shopping choices we can help get farmers a better deal. And that means they can make their own decisions, control their futures and lead the dignified life everyone deserves. Traidcraft is founded on Christian principles. They seek to live out the Christian faith through their mission to fight poverty through trade. Since 1979 they’ve been working for trade justice for growers and producers in the poorest countries around the world. Traidcraft is a pioneer of the fair trade movement in the UK and their activities also include overseas development programmes, trade policy, campaigns and trade justice.

Visit the Fair Trade Foundation and Traidcraft websites for more information.

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Baptist Home Mission

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Home Mission is all about helping Baptist churches and individuals to reach their mission potential and bring the love of God to their communities. It is the Baptist family purse, and each year we have a special appeal to raise money for Home Mission. The money raised is used to fund mission projects all over the UK, including church planting and creative initiatives. It also supports national initiatives such as engaging with Government and speaking out on matters of faith.

Visit the Baptist Home Mission website for more information.

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BMS World Mission

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Each year, usually on Harvest Sunday, we have a special appeal for BMS World Mission. BMS World Mission is a Christian mission organisation that works in around 35 countries on four continents. They aim to share life in all its fullness with the world’s peoples by: Enabling them to know Christ, Alleviating suffering and injustice, Improving the quality of life

At any one time BMS supports between 350 and 400 personnel – long, medium and short-term workers, teams and volunteers, as well as a large number of supported national partner workers around the world, providing people, funding, training and expertise in the core areas of our work. “Ordinary people, doing extraordinary things for God – serving overseas in a world of need”.

Visit the BMS World Mission website for more information.

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International Aid Trust Shoebox appeal

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International Aid Trust is a Christian Humanitarian Aid Charity, whose objectives are twofold:

  1. The relief of persons who are in conditions of real need, hardship or distress and those who are disabled through age or sickness and in particular by the supply of financial, material and medical aid and by provision of personnel to provide hands on practical and pastoral assistance.
  2. The advancement of the Christian faith.

Their motto is “Christian Compassion for a Hurting World”. Each year, leading up to Christmas, we support the IAT Shoebox Campaign. We fill shoeboxes with gifts for children and for adults and enjoy sending these tokens of our love to people in Eastern Europe, Africa and Asia.

Visit the International Aid Trust Shoebox appeal website for more information.

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CAP Money

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CAP Money is a revolutionary money management course that teaches people budgeting skills and a simple, cash-based system that really works. This three-sesson course will help anyone to get more in control of their finances, so they can save, give and prevent debt.

The course features DVD presentations during which you will learn how to build and live on a budget, the CAP Money system, and how to live from week to week using cash. By applying these three principles, you will learn how to manage your money, and live your life.

CAP Money is run by Shipley Baptist in partnership with Christians Against Poverty. The course you sign up for will usually run over three consecutive weeks, primarily in the evenings.

Visit the Christians Against Poverty website for more information.

As well as money management, we also have a Job Club which meets on a Monday lunchtime.

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Bible Stall in Market Square

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Shipley Christians Together Market Stall is an initiative of the Shipley churches. We have a stall on alternate Mondays in Shipley Market Place where we have Bibles for free distribution and an opportunity to meet with someone to share concerns and problems and to receive prayer.

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Our low-cost community café.

Visit our Cuppacare page for more information.

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Emergency food parcels for local people in crisis.

Visit our Foodbank page for more information.

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