26th July 2017

Youth work

We want young people to explore faith in the context of the world around them. We encourage them to ask awkward questions, support each other, and be ‘salt and light’ in their own community. We aim for young people to grow in confidence, discover their own faith and join the rest of our community as we grow as disciples of Jesus.

We are currently developing our youth work beyond our Sunday morning gathering and creating more opportunities for young people to play an active part in the life of our church.

SBC Youth Programme for 11 to 17 year olds.

Our first youth meeting begins on a Sunday morning as we start with Junior Church. This fits in and around the Church’s 10.45 – 12.15 Sunday worship “slot”. In Junior Church we play games and explore the themes and teachings of the Bible, all whilst having lots of fun together.

As well as meeting on a Sunday morning we also gather on a Sunday evening. Usually we meet in homes for a time to chill, hot chocolate, games, projects and some more time looking into the Bible. We are developing our youth programme to involve serving the community, having themed nights and adventures together. We’ve had lots of fun together talking about camels and radiators and eating lots of biscuits and I can tell we are going to continue doing that and more!

If you have any young people or are a young person yourself and would like to join us on our adventures together then feel free to join us on a Sunday morning or Sunday evening (or even better both!!) we’d love to meet you!

Contact John or the Church office if you want to know more about what is going on, and there will be more information to follow soon. You can also email youthworkersbc@gmail.com.