21st November 2017


Shipley Baptist Church hosts Shipley Foodbank Centre, one of five Foodbank Centres in the Bradford North Foodbank, a volunteer charity supporting local people in crisis. Foodbank is part of the Trussell Trust Network.

If you have a foodbank voucher, duly authorised, you can visit us on a Monday or Thursday afternoon between 4.00 and 6.00pm. For more information, you can call the following numbers from 9am on Mondays or Thursdays: 01274 292 256 or 07743890310.

Or you can visit the Bradford North foodbank website by clicking the logo below.

Bradford North Foodbank Logo

The Shipley Foodbank Centre uses our church hall, kitchen and a store room.  It has volunteers from 8 churches including Shipley Baptist and opens on Monday and Thursday afternoons.  There are typically between 10 and 20 visitors at each session who, in addition to a food parcel, enjoy a cafe-style environment, conversation and signposting to further help.